Tuesday, November 4, 2008

first time...

So its my first time EVER getting into this whole blog thing but I have been inspired to start one and what a better time, I am at what i like to call a "new Place" in my life, I recently married my best friend exactly One month ago today :) to me by having a blog it will give me a way to write about what i am thinking about and having sort of an online journal that i will be able to look back on one day, and i sure can type lots faster than write in a journal :) My mind jumps from thought to thought and when in actual conversation can tend to lose people but from my understanding that is typical Blog language !! so i will be sure to write more posts b/s i have a lot going on.... such as tonight is 11/04/08 which we all know is the 08 election.... my husband and I have been watching this for some time tonight... Stressfull.... tv is soo Liberal! we are keeping our prayers with McCain and are trusting Americans have done their research and aren't just jumping on the train for change.... my thoughts are its a new year and a new election there is bound to be change whoever is to get elected we should be looking at Facts...

in other areas of my life I signed up for my first Ever mini marathon which i will participate in on May 2nd 2008, i am very excited for this, i enjoy working out and eating healthy very much and am looking to challenge myself and I always wished I could be a runner, so im not wishing anymore Im determined :) so i will be training for training starting next week !! i am so excited, im sure there will be more post about this later....