Tuesday, January 20, 2009

just some Thoughts.....

It's funny how on my days off.... i look forward to 7:30 when Nick gets home and on the days Ivwork I look foward to getting off to come home to Nick... weird how that all works out Hu? well any who, Soo for my day today i woke up @6Am went to the gym, came home watched the Inauguration, went to the grocery store and then back home watched a little more TV, snuck out for a little i repeat just a Litte of some jamoca almond fudge Ice cream and then back home took another shower just to relax and now im watching Glen Beck ( new fox news show ) = Loving it :)

so today we have a New President of the USA and I pray that God gives him the strenght to protect our country, I must admit although I did not vote this way, I will always remember what i was doing when The USA swore in the fist African American President....

So tonight for dinner I am making a Hearty potato,cabage, & carrot soup im looking foward to it it sure is smelling Yummy.... also tonight is Tuesday which means BIGGEST LOOSER tonight! i love this show, it always gets me so pumped up and motivated for the next morning when the alarm goes off @ 6 AM and its time for me to head to the gym... Love it :)

Well time to get back to DIN din ....