Yesterday was my first apt with the Dr. here is South Bend now that we are all moved and settled in, the original apt was set for 10:45 but I recieved a phone call at 10:30 saying the Dr. wasn't going to be able to make the apt so we rescheduled for 3:30 with a different Dr. out of the same office.. So Nick and I went in for our apt and it lasted maybe a whole 7 minutes from the time i got weighed and all, we heard our baby heart beat again, very strong beats at 148 beats per minute, Dr said all my numbers are looking perfect and were right on track, and we scheduled to have an ultra sound done on the 31st of this month.... thats less than two weeks, and we will hopefully learn the sex of the baby!! we can't wait, we hope baby will be as photogenic as our last ultra sound :)
as for the Dr. He was nice, but for the type of delivery I have always envisioned me having involves a calm setting, someone who's with me at all times and not popping in and out and asking if I want drugs, so I have contacted a Midwife and I am wating to hear back on Monday that she will be covered by our insurance. Insurance does cover midwifes however there was not one "in network" so i requested to have Gap coverage for One that came recomended in this area and her name is Kristin Vincent, so please keep this in your prayers :) I also have contacted a Doula that I will meet with next Friday just to discuss the services she could offer and price and things like that, not sure if I will need this but its a free consoultation and I am interested so I am going.
so stay tuned for more on that, Oh and also Baby and I have signed up for Prenetal Yoga classes that are on Wednesdays from 7:30 til 8:45 , this is a 6 week series that I am so excited for. the first class meets this week, I think I will learn how to get in the "zone" haha and relax and learn breathing techniques.