Last night was bath night, and I was in Jada's room getting her all undressed and she was so happy and alert so I called in daddy to snap some quick photos, when we quickly realized we have no naked booty pictures of out little Buggy so we decided to snap one... I kid you not about 3 seconds after this photo our little one let of a little coo and then the greater lower half of my shirt was suddenly soaked...
I hadn't a clue what to do... so I just put my hand in cup form below my shirt hoping to catch anything that wanted to go onto the carpet ( my brain couldn't tell me "hey chels, walk to the bathroom its like 2 seconds away and hold her over the sink..")
Nick and I laughed about it and head into the kitchen for bath time, as nick was getting her water ready I was holding her and talking to her when all of a sudden my arm,shirt,pants, all that was feeling trickles and then I heard it hit the hard wood floor and Im all " OMG she is peeing again" and yet my brain still didn't say CHELS HOLD HER OVER THE SINK.... instead I sat there holding her, laughing, getting Peed on.....
Oh well it was a great family moment, Nick and I got a good kick out of it and miss Jada was ever so content.
Lesson learned, do not remove diaper until moments before entering child in tub :)