Saturday, August 1, 2009

Petunia Pickle Bottom

so as you may remember from my recent posts I am so excited about getting a Petunia Pickle bottom baby bag, and I was set on the one I wanted. and what happened?!?!?! I see today on their site that they have released new prints... so now I still think my number one is the Misty Shanghai glazed because the colors are light and can go with whatever... but now they have a tranquil tibet in glazed also ( i want glazed becasue it is wipable, which in the baby world seems to be a necessity.) I added photos of the misty shanghi but I had to attach the link to see the tranquil one because its so new google doesnt have images yet and you cant copy and paste pics from petunias site... ... what are your thoughts? yes the tranquil tibet is blue and were having a girl but its a pretty shade it is teal looking and it is bringht and happy, easily spotted... hmm decisions decisions....


Stephanie said...

I really like them both, if I had to choose I would pick the tranquil tibet. Congrats on your ultra sound. I like your baby girl's name!

Anonymous said...

I had one sent to me via my fashion and beauty blog and use it as a clutch!!! I love it!!!