Saturday, January 31, 2009
Correction / Update....
Soo in a recent post Whats Up Doc... i told you all i had my blood drawn and were waiting on the results and that if it was negative then the dr would put me on progesterone, well we go those results and they were negative for pregnancy which was expected, but the meds i started taking today are called Provera, so i will be on this for the next 7 days which should make me start a period and then i get my blood drawn to check my levels and all that good stuff... so i will update on that when those days come...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I have the greatest husband.... so today is a snow day for the both of us, we tried to leave the house today but the 9 inches of snow said heck no, and though we still attempted ( and got stuck) we walked home, together... :) we came home froze and thought, what will we do with today? well its so cold out, obviously can't go anywhere with the roads and ou parking lot remaining un plowed....
I said well I am reading this AMAZINGLY great book ( The Shack) and i reallly want to finish it, So he said yeah ok he wanted to look up some other stuff about running... so we both read, and then Nick offered to make Lunch, and boy was it Yummy. we ate together and then i picked up my book again and he says to me " chels, do you mind if i vacume or will the noise bother you while you are reading?"
are ya serious?!?! thats great, go right ahead and vacume, and Thank you soo much for doing so.... I continued on reading as i watched my Husband vacuming the capet, and in that moment i just smiled and thought how lucky i am... and how sweet he is, and how amazingly attractive it was to see him vacume lol I know i Know that is a cazy thing to say...
so with those thoughts i continued reading my book and then i heard a different noise..... and i looked up and HE WAS SHAMPOOING THE CARPET.... thats right, ou carpets were getting a deep cleaning.... i said wooo hoo look at you Mr. ( he just smiled) and continued right on with the cleaning of the carpets....
OH how i loove him, not just for doing this, he has always been caring and loving and helpful, but this to me just made me feel so loved, ( this may be what the love of marriage is, you find it in the little things, almost acts of respect, doing things not because the they are expected or to do them just because you think the other wants them done, but just doing them so they are done) and in the eye of the one who notices it feels like LOVE :)
so today I am blessed to be home, the two of us... well 3 becuase we can't forget about Mr. Sparty....
who is sleeping at my feet with the little sinlight that is peeping in through the window :) Oh how i love the little things.
I said well I am reading this AMAZINGLY great book ( The Shack) and i reallly want to finish it, So he said yeah ok he wanted to look up some other stuff about running... so we both read, and then Nick offered to make Lunch, and boy was it Yummy. we ate together and then i picked up my book again and he says to me " chels, do you mind if i vacume or will the noise bother you while you are reading?"
are ya serious?!?! thats great, go right ahead and vacume, and Thank you soo much for doing so.... I continued on reading as i watched my Husband vacuming the capet, and in that moment i just smiled and thought how lucky i am... and how sweet he is, and how amazingly attractive it was to see him vacume lol I know i Know that is a cazy thing to say...
so with those thoughts i continued reading my book and then i heard a different noise..... and i looked up and HE WAS SHAMPOOING THE CARPET.... thats right, ou carpets were getting a deep cleaning.... i said wooo hoo look at you Mr. ( he just smiled) and continued right on with the cleaning of the carpets....
OH how i loove him, not just for doing this, he has always been caring and loving and helpful, but this to me just made me feel so loved, ( this may be what the love of marriage is, you find it in the little things, almost acts of respect, doing things not because the they are expected or to do them just because you think the other wants them done, but just doing them so they are done) and in the eye of the one who notices it feels like LOVE :)
so today I am blessed to be home, the two of us... well 3 becuase we can't forget about Mr. Sparty....
who is sleeping at my feet with the little sinlight that is peeping in through the window :) Oh how i love the little things.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
WhaT's Up Doc.
So today i went to my OB GYN today because it has been 8 weeks since my last cycle...and i wanna know what the heck is going on, so i got my blood drawn, ewey not too fun for me... i always hate getting that done, I am not sure why but all i seem to be able to think about at the time is that there is a sharp thing in my arm that is sticking in a vein that is sucking out my blood.... its just not a pretty though for me, its like my body goes weak and i just want to go limp... it's not like it hurts me my mind just doesnt like it.... but then today, the lady hurt me.... she put the needle in and then was drawing the blood and she bumped my arm which moved it and the vein got a bubble in it ewwww grose i know... she called angie the other lady nurse over to look at is and she began pressing on it ArGH and YUCK! i turned to look and they said no dont look, then they decided to pull it out and i said ok, now if you gotta get more blood your going to have to use my other arm because that was just tooo much for me in one sitting lol.... i guess my vein had rolled or something when she bumped it.. so any how she got it just fine in my other arm and I was out in a flash....
so what we are waiting on now is the lab results to come back with a negative pregnancy test ( which i know it will be, i feel no signs of being pregnant, and if you read my earlier post i have already taken like 3 test this month that shows negative) but we must be safe before exploring other reasons why i wouldnt be having periods....
so once the results come in and show negative then I will take Pogesterone, which should trigger me into a period, then on the third day i am to go back to see my OB GYN and she is going to take blood to measure my FSH levels and then on the 21st day she is going to take my Pogesterone level and then we will discuss the results....
As many know, I am not one who is for taking medicine, but when there is a action plan involved i am more understanding, so now i know what the plan is which is important to the both me and Nick. I just want to figure out whats going on inside of my body because in the future I want and hope and wish and pray to have a natural pregnancy, and then in turn have a natural delivery... (NO DRUGS) so this step right now is just learning about my body and my CRAZY cycle...
so what we are waiting on now is the lab results to come back with a negative pregnancy test ( which i know it will be, i feel no signs of being pregnant, and if you read my earlier post i have already taken like 3 test this month that shows negative) but we must be safe before exploring other reasons why i wouldnt be having periods....
so once the results come in and show negative then I will take Pogesterone, which should trigger me into a period, then on the third day i am to go back to see my OB GYN and she is going to take blood to measure my FSH levels and then on the 21st day she is going to take my Pogesterone level and then we will discuss the results....
As many know, I am not one who is for taking medicine, but when there is a action plan involved i am more understanding, so now i know what the plan is which is important to the both me and Nick. I just want to figure out whats going on inside of my body because in the future I want and hope and wish and pray to have a natural pregnancy, and then in turn have a natural delivery... (NO DRUGS) so this step right now is just learning about my body and my CRAZY cycle...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
GoodBye NelNet :)
As you know by now, Nick and I have been working diligently towards getting DEBT FREE, with being a newly married couple we wanted to start off our lives together on the right path that way we dont ever have to play catch up later in our lives, so Since graduation in May 2008 I have been working to pay off my loans even though my first payment wasnt due until January 1st 2009, and today January 24th I am DONE!!!! whooo hoo I couldn't be happier. We were able to pay off over 15,000 in just 8 months along with having a fabulous wedding and honeymoon that we were also able to save to pay for our part and not go into debt for that. we are extremly thankful for this and now we are tackiling the rest of Nick's student debt... SO sally May get prepaired for force of the Urankar's because here we come... so we can yell "WERE DEBT FREE" ( dave's slogan) We hope to be able to do so in March..... and by celebrating with going on a paid for vacation to ARIZONA :)
ya know, this whole staying on a budget, really is fun... and its funny... just 3 short years ago i knew nothing about that word.... and know it is one thing i think about all the time, i enjoy reading financial books, im totally loving our FPU ( financial Peace University) Class and i love talking with other people about it now.... I have even become obsessive about our color coded budget board that Nick and I use each month to re evaluate our budget for that given month, I cant express how important I have seen this to be, being able to talk with your spose and be on the same page with your budget truly does wonders for your marriage, if nick and I weren't working towards the common goal of getting and staying debt free our $ would be all over the place. so talk with your spose about your money, make a budget, it truly will impact your life, your marriage and your wallet :)
God BLess :)
ya know, this whole staying on a budget, really is fun... and its funny... just 3 short years ago i knew nothing about that word.... and know it is one thing i think about all the time, i enjoy reading financial books, im totally loving our FPU ( financial Peace University) Class and i love talking with other people about it now.... I have even become obsessive about our color coded budget board that Nick and I use each month to re evaluate our budget for that given month, I cant express how important I have seen this to be, being able to talk with your spose and be on the same page with your budget truly does wonders for your marriage, if nick and I weren't working towards the common goal of getting and staying debt free our $ would be all over the place. so talk with your spose about your money, make a budget, it truly will impact your life, your marriage and your wallet :)
God BLess :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
BRiiight Markers,Bright Idea
IT happened... it finally happened... so Today was my day off of work, and after FPU class last night i was so excited to wake up thismorning and go to hobby lobby to purchase a new white board and markers to do out budget on, so i went and picked out this chalk board looking thing, but you can write on it with Chalk Markers, totally cool right?!!? i thought so they were bRiiight pink, lime green, blue and yellow... i could hardly wait. so i made my way up to the check out to pay and go home and take off the caps of all my new sharp markers and Rip the plastic covering off my board so i can begin to crunch numbers and make out our February budget...
and it happened... finally yaya!!! i must admit though it caught me off guard... i got to the register, and he told my it was 14.83 and i opened up my purse, reached for my leather Dave ramsey envelope binder thingy, and flipped to the envelope that had my name on it and took $15 from my envelope and handed it to her... he took my money and gave me my change... and as i was putting my change back in the envelope she says to me....
" Alright so im Intrigued, whats with all the different envelopes..."
here was my time to SHARE :) i said oh.... well its just the way my husband and i choose to budget, each envelope has a different name or title to it and every time we get paid we divvey up a certain amt intow each evnelope and once the money is out its out, we cant spend anymore in that category until the next time they get filled......
" Oh, she says, thats cool...... really a BRIGHT idea" i said yeah it really is... if your really interested look up DAVE RAMSEY
As i was leaving i heard another cashier says to the young girl, what was that? and i heard her begin to tell what we had just talked about .. it was great.... i totally loved it....
i came home and busted out the new markers and now we have a beautiful display of our budget in our kitchen :)
Today was a great day!
and it happened... finally yaya!!! i must admit though it caught me off guard... i got to the register, and he told my it was 14.83 and i opened up my purse, reached for my leather Dave ramsey envelope binder thingy, and flipped to the envelope that had my name on it and took $15 from my envelope and handed it to her... he took my money and gave me my change... and as i was putting my change back in the envelope she says to me....
" Alright so im Intrigued, whats with all the different envelopes..."
here was my time to SHARE :) i said oh.... well its just the way my husband and i choose to budget, each envelope has a different name or title to it and every time we get paid we divvey up a certain amt intow each evnelope and once the money is out its out, we cant spend anymore in that category until the next time they get filled......
" Oh, she says, thats cool...... really a BRIGHT idea" i said yeah it really is... if your really interested look up DAVE RAMSEY
As i was leaving i heard another cashier says to the young girl, what was that? and i heard her begin to tell what we had just talked about .. it was great.... i totally loved it....
i came home and busted out the new markers and now we have a beautiful display of our budget in our kitchen :)
Today was a great day!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
just some Thoughts.....
It's funny how on my days off.... i look forward to 7:30 when Nick gets home and on the days Ivwork I look foward to getting off to come home to Nick... weird how that all works out Hu? well any who, Soo for my day today i woke up @6Am went to the gym, came home watched the Inauguration, went to the grocery store and then back home watched a little more TV, snuck out for a little i repeat just a Litte of some jamoca almond fudge Ice cream and then back home took another shower just to relax and now im watching Glen Beck ( new fox news show ) = Loving it :)
so today we have a New President of the USA and I pray that God gives him the strenght to protect our country, I must admit although I did not vote this way, I will always remember what i was doing when The USA swore in the fist African American President....
So tonight for dinner I am making a Hearty potato,cabage, & carrot soup im looking foward to it it sure is smelling Yummy.... also tonight is Tuesday which means BIGGEST LOOSER tonight! i love this show, it always gets me so pumped up and motivated for the next morning when the alarm goes off @ 6 AM and its time for me to head to the gym... Love it :)
Well time to get back to DIN din ....
so today we have a New President of the USA and I pray that God gives him the strenght to protect our country, I must admit although I did not vote this way, I will always remember what i was doing when The USA swore in the fist African American President....
So tonight for dinner I am making a Hearty potato,cabage, & carrot soup im looking foward to it it sure is smelling Yummy.... also tonight is Tuesday which means BIGGEST LOOSER tonight! i love this show, it always gets me so pumped up and motivated for the next morning when the alarm goes off @ 6 AM and its time for me to head to the gym... Love it :)
Well time to get back to DIN din ....
Monday, January 19, 2009
Crazy Cycle, Crazy Dream....
Well I am going to be open for a minute, why not its my blog right? well Last night I had a dream that i was pregnant, it could be because it has been 43 days since my last period and the possibility of being pregnant has been on my mind, even though i have taken test and only get one little pink line, so last night it my dream it was crazy.... Nick and I were out running around in some weird house, and the thought kept running through my mind, in my dream ( weird right) that i was pregnant, so i started tearing up the house that we were in in search of a pregnancy test, i remember trying to be very secretive about this because i didnt want nick to think I was crazy, once i had finally found one and ripped it open took off the cap and sat down to .... well you know, and so i guess in my nervousness i well didnt just pee on the little paint brush looking end ( ucky i know, but it was a DREAM) sooooo In my dream by doing so it ruined my test, and i couldnt see the results... so now back to real life, i wake up and think to myself, man im sooo sick of playing this game, i want to stop thinknig it is a possibility, i mean I have taken a pregnancy test already and like i mentioned before i got ONE pink line (negative) but after my dream last night i decided to take my last test i had under the sink.... ( yes, i know, why do i have test under my sink??) well i will get to that in a minute....
well i took the test and again ONE pink line.
now to why i have test under my sink.... well i will be open and honest, Nick and I both decided that we were going to do natural family planning, it is something that we both believe in because we dont like taking any un necessary medication and we don't want to mess up Gods plan for us. So since we have been married, i think just about every month i am late i take a test.... i know, im crazy, lol its not that we are tryin to have a child but i think it is just part of my suuuper organized/scheduled personality that i want to know EVERYTHING when i want to know it, or because before I never had to worry about being pregnant because well it just wasnt a possiblity, and now that i am married it is..... does that make sense?!?! or am I crazy?
so what i have come to realize is that I just have a Super Crazy messed up cycle and i just need to keep remembering that when i am late because, these test sure are expensive !!!
well i took the test and again ONE pink line.
now to why i have test under my sink.... well i will be open and honest, Nick and I both decided that we were going to do natural family planning, it is something that we both believe in because we dont like taking any un necessary medication and we don't want to mess up Gods plan for us. So since we have been married, i think just about every month i am late i take a test.... i know, im crazy, lol its not that we are tryin to have a child but i think it is just part of my suuuper organized/scheduled personality that i want to know EVERYTHING when i want to know it, or because before I never had to worry about being pregnant because well it just wasnt a possiblity, and now that i am married it is..... does that make sense?!?! or am I crazy?
so what i have come to realize is that I just have a Super Crazy messed up cycle and i just need to keep remembering that when i am late because, these test sure are expensive !!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
~The Urankar's have Chairs ~

As most of you know, since Nick and I got Married, we are living in carmel in a Loft Apartment ( which I absolutly L*O*V*E) we have 11ft ceilings and exposed brick walls, such an urban feel to it, once we knew this was the place we would call home, we wanted to start fresh, pick out "our" furniture.... I knew with planning a wedding and how expensive they are that we needed to hold off on a lot of the purchases that way we had all of our cash at hand for the wedding.... and we had also decided that anything that we were going to put in our house would only be put in our house when we were able to purchase it with Cash... thats right ( NO CREDIT CARDS )...we furst purchased our KING bed, mattress, dresser, chest,sofa and love seat, and a reallly tall floor mirror that I adore and i was sure that we were set, all i needed was a roof over my head a bed to lay on and a husband by my side and we would have it all :) so we have lived with with only those mentioned above for the last 3 1/2 months..... I cook dinner @ home for us every night, so we have been eating on the floor indian style for quite some time, but I wouldn't trade those memories for anything, we have even been able to have my mother in law in town from Florida and brother in law mitch and his girlfriend over for dinner where we all sat on the floor and ate our dinner... :)
well everyone I have good news..... THE URANKARS HAVE CHAIRS, I am sooo excited about this, last night Nick assembled them after our small group and they are the most beautiful chairs i could have asked for :) I actually am sitting in this chair right now and really dont want to move... darn, but i have to go to work soon ....
Monday, January 12, 2009
DayS OfF..
yay today is my day off of work, I always look foward to my days off work so I can get thing done around the house and do my ever favorite grocery shopping :) There are several awesome grocery stores around us here but my two fav's that i go to weekly are Trader Joes & Whole Foods, if you have thses stores by you it is a MUST that you check them out, they are fantastic! Both of these stores sell All Organic foods at such a good price :) Plus if your a WineO like Nick and I are Charles Shaw wine sure is yummy! every week i go to the store with a very specific list in my head, you know, the things you go through really fast some might call them the Staples of the kitchen, well our most bought food is Tomatoes, the yummy organically grown roma tomatoes, they truly are the best tasting tomatoes around, Just about every meal we some how find ways to add them in :) another fav of ours that we just cant seem to keep enough of are the Organic Z bar Chocolate Chip... ( Clif Kid bar) sooo good my mouth waters just thinking about them... well all this talk I better get my day started
some things I will be doing today are going to the gym, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, back to relax prolly finish reading the Suze Ormans 2009 Action Plan, play with Sparty, cook dinner and wait for Nick to get home :)
some things I will be doing today are going to the gym, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, back to relax prolly finish reading the Suze Ormans 2009 Action Plan, play with Sparty, cook dinner and wait for Nick to get home :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I did IT!!!! wooo hoo, I ran my fastest mile ever today, 6 minutes and 40 seconds, i was so proud of myself... We went to the gym thismorning and I wanted to run 3 - 4 miles today so i strapped on Nicks I phone and turned up Kanye West's CD and headed out, ( Great CD for running) next thing you know i had pounded out a mile in just 7:55 that was the fastest i had gone before, i couldnt believe it but boy i sure felt like i had out it all out on the track after that mile and didnt know how i was going to run the 3 - 4 miles i had wanted... so my second mile was ran muuuch slower, it was ran in a flat 9 minutes.... I was pooped, and wanted water.
I headed off the track and gulped down some water but felt as though i wasnt finished after refreshing myself with water i decided i wanted to go back out, this time i was going to try to run right next to nick, now i have dne this before ( the last time we were at the track actually) but i was only able to run next to him for 1/2 a mile, well today i had ran the whole mile, Sprniting the last lap!!! I was overwhelmed with JOY!! I pressed my stop watch off and looked down to see that i had finished in 6 short minutes and 40 seconds WOOOOO HOOO!!!!
Great way to start my day, now its tme to stretch :)
I headed off the track and gulped down some water but felt as though i wasnt finished after refreshing myself with water i decided i wanted to go back out, this time i was going to try to run right next to nick, now i have dne this before ( the last time we were at the track actually) but i was only able to run next to him for 1/2 a mile, well today i had ran the whole mile, Sprniting the last lap!!! I was overwhelmed with JOY!! I pressed my stop watch off and looked down to see that i had finished in 6 short minutes and 40 seconds WOOOOO HOOO!!!!
Great way to start my day, now its tme to stretch :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Surviving By Faith
This morning Nick and I went to church at a later time that usual, we had gone trail running with some good firends and then had them over for dinner last night so we decided to sleep in and go to church at 11:00 today, WOW what a great message it was today! Nick and I attend a Church here in Carmel called Grace Community Church, todays message was titled Surviving By Faith the Economic Storm. Todays message gave us a tast of what 2009 could be like, the service was started by projecting onto the screen the views points of people in the press of both positive views and then negative views for what the new year could bring and then on the screen appeared this message
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need. And I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation. Whether well fed or hungry. Whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strenght."
Philippians 4:11-13
this message was a reminder to all of us that there are many different voices we can listen to about what the new year may bring or what state of mind our country is in, but to listen to the one who is always there, listen to the one who can provide proof. This message was so great, there were over 1600 people at the 11:00 service thismorning and afer the message we all took communion. i felt so moved by this message, another message that i took away from this mornings service was to replace worry with Prayer, and that no matter what situation you are in you are to rejoice in the Lord, because he is one who cares, he is one who has forgiven, one who has promised eternal life through him and one who has given grace, so whatever situation you are in look to that and rejoice in him.
what a great way to start of the new year, With such a simple message of truth!
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need. And I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation. Whether well fed or hungry. Whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strenght."
Philippians 4:11-13
this message was a reminder to all of us that there are many different voices we can listen to about what the new year may bring or what state of mind our country is in, but to listen to the one who is always there, listen to the one who can provide proof. This message was so great, there were over 1600 people at the 11:00 service thismorning and afer the message we all took communion. i felt so moved by this message, another message that i took away from this mornings service was to replace worry with Prayer, and that no matter what situation you are in you are to rejoice in the Lord, because he is one who cares, he is one who has forgiven, one who has promised eternal life through him and one who has given grace, so whatever situation you are in look to that and rejoice in him.
what a great way to start of the new year, With such a simple message of truth!
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